3. Distribution of stereo vision program

I made a stereo vision program using graph cut. Use scene1.row3.col1.ppm , scene1.row3.col3.ppm and makefile as common files. scene1.row3.col1.ppm and scene1.row3.col3.ppm are the left and right images corresponding to the true value data in the TSUKUBA stereo image introduced in Article 2. When using GPU and CUDA, change the following make targets from dis_c to dis_g, dep_c to dep_g, and 3d_c to 3d_g. You are free to use all the programs distributed in this article (the MIT license).

Graph Cut Program for Stereo Vision

graph_cut.cpp And graph_cut.cu is the main body of the graph cut program. graph_cut.cpp is a graph cut by CPU, and graph_cut.cu is a graph cut by GPU. In both cases, graph cut is performed on 3D Grid Graph by Push Relabel + Global Update method. The Global Update part uses a queue algorithm on the CPU and a shared memory algorithm on the GPU. These are completely different algorithms. On the other hand, the Push Relabel part uses the same algorithm for CPU and GPU.

Graph cut is performed by setting the global variable

  • int SIZE_S;
  • int SIZE_H;
  • int SIZE_W;
  • int SIZE_HW;
  • int SIZE_SHW;
and then calling the graph_cut () function. From the graph_cut () function, the caller's cost () function is called to prepare the data, and the graph cut is executed. The graph_cut () function ends after the caller's cut () function is called and the result is passed.

The 3D Grid Graph that is the target of the graph cut is a 10-adjacent branch graph dedicated to stereo vision as shown in the following figure. However, the figure shows only the depth direction S and the horizontal direction W, and the vertical direction H is not visible. The direction from the source node S to the sink node T is called the depth direction.

Correspondence between graph structure and gaze_line depth model
These 10 adjacent branches are distinguished by the direction numbers 0 to 9 of
  • 0: (reverse=9) (init_val=data_cost) front
  • 1: (reverse=2) (init_val=penalty_h) up
  • 2: (reverse=1) (init_val=penalty_h) down
  • 3: (reverse=4) (init_val=penalty_w) left
  • 4: (reverse=3) (init_val=penalty_w) right
  • 5: (reverse=7) (init_val=zero) front right
  • 6: (reverse=8) (init_val=zero) front left
  • 7: (reverse=5) (init_val=inhibit_b) back left
  • 8: (reverse=6) (init_val=inhibit_b) back right
  • 9: (reverse=0) (init_val=inhibit_a) back
. Weights are given to the branches, but penalty_w, penalty_h, inhibit_a, and inhibit_b are common throughout the graph. These are given as arguments when calling the graph_cut (int penalty_w, int penalty_h, int inhibit_a, int inhibit_b) function. For data_cost, the return value of the cost (int S, int H, int W) function called from the graph_cut () function is set for each branch. inhibit_b is only used in the gaze_line-depth model. The weight is set to 0 when not used. A branch with a weight of 0 is equivalent to the case where the branch itself does not exist. The result of the graph cut is given by the cut (int S, int H, int W) function called from the graph_cut () function. inhibit_a solves the problem of assigning a label to a 2D site with a 3D graph cut, and is the weight of the branch facing the source node S. If this inhibit_a is small, the graph cut result cannot be expressed by the cut (int S, int H, int W) function. cut (int S, int H, int W) means to give the label S to the site (H, W). Even if site labeling does not occur, the graph cut is performed correctly, but the program must be changed to use the result correctly. Also, the error that the site has not been labeled is not displayed. The reverse value exists to make the flow that once flowed not flown. Because of this, there is no backtracking as a procedure, but the maximum flow minimum cut is obtained without greedy.

The size of the 3D Grid Graph is given by the global variable

  • int SIZE_S;
  • int SIZE_H;
  • int SIZE_W;
, where S is the depth direction, H is the vertical direction, and W is the horizontal direction. When SIZE_W is 384, SIZE_H is 288, and SIZE_S is 28, there will be 384 nodes in the horizontal direction, 288 nodes in the vertical direction, and 28 nodes in the depth direction. The total node is the sum of two special nodes from the deepest sink node T. When viewed as site labeling, 29 labels from 0 to 28 can be assigned to 384 sites in the horizontal direction and 288 sites in the vertical direction. Since the site corresponds to where the branch was cut, the site is increased by one. The first argument S of the cost (int S, int H, int W) function also takes a value from 0 to SIZE_S. On the other hand, the second argument H takes a value from 0 to SIZE_H-1, and the third argument W takes a value from 0 to SIZE_W-1.

In the true parallax image of the TSUKUBA stereo benchmark introduced in Article 2, the maximum parallax (max_disparity) is 28 and the minimum parallax (min_disparity) is 10, so if SIZE_S = max_disparity -min_disparity = 18, there are 19 labels from 0 to 18 You This corresponds to 10 to 28. In this way, SIZE_S itself is the number of nodes, but when viewed as a label, it represents the maximum label and the minimum label is 0, so the number of labels is SIZE_S +1. You should be aware of this whenever you are creating a program.

Pixel-Disparith Model

disparity_stereo.cpp Is a program that generates parallax image files by pixel-disparity model.

make dis_c
Will generate the parallax image file disparity14.png.
disparity_stereo.cpp is a simple program of about 100 lines, so please read it.

The pixel-disparity model can be seen from the cost () function

int cost(int D, int H, int W) {
  D += Min_depth;
  int RR, RG, RB;
  int LR, LG, LB;
  int LW;
  if (W+D > SIZE_W-1) LW = SIZE_W-1;
  else                LW = W+D;
  call_rgb(rframe, H, W, &RR, &RG, &RB);
  call_rgb(lframe, H, LW, &LR, &LG, &LB);
  int d_R = (LR>RR)? LR-RR: RR-LR;
  int d_G = (LG>RG)? LG-RG: RG-LG;
  int d_B = (LB>RB)? LB-RB: RB-LB;
  return d_R + d_G + d_B;
below, where the left image (lframe) uses the right pixel (LW = W + D) by the disparity (D).

Execution is

./disparity_cpu right_image left_image max_disparity min_disparity penalty inhibit sacle
. The optimal solution is searched for within the maximum and minimum parallax ranges. Increasing the range takes more time and increases the chances of bad results. If you know the range of the object in the image, specify the maximum and minimum parallax as close as possible. If the inhibit value is large enough, it will not affect the result. The penalty value has a value that improves the result, but the value can only be determined by trial and error. The output disparity file is disparity & ltpenalty value & gt.png.

Gaze_line-Depth Model

depth_stereo.cpp Is a program that generates parallax image files by gaze_line-depth model.

make dep_c
Will generate a parallax image file pen_14_inh_1023.png.
Please read depth_stereo.cpp as it is a simple program of about 100 lines.

The gaze_line-depth model is the cost () function

int cost(int D, int H, int W) {
  D += Min_depth;
  int RR, RG, RB;
  int LR, LG, LB;
  int RW;
  int LW;
  if ((W-D < 0) && (W+D > SIZE_W-1)) {
  else if (W-D < 0) {
    RW = 0;
    LW = 2*W;
  else if (W+D > SIZE_W-1) {
    LW = SIZE_W-1;
    RW = SIZE_W-1-2*(SIZE_W-1-W);
  else {
    RW = W-D;
    LW = W+D;
  call_rgb(rframe, H, RW, &RR, &RG, &RB);
  call_rgb(lframe, H, LW, &LR, &LG, &LB);
  int d_R = (LR>RR)? LR-RR: RR-LR;
  int d_G = (LG>RG)? LG-RG: RG-LG;
  int d_B = (LB>RB)? LB-RB: RB-LB;
  return d_R + d_G + d_B;
below, the right image (rframe) is the pixel left (RW = WD) by depth (D), and the left image (lframe) is right by depth (D). You can see from using pixels (LW = W + D).

Execution is

./depth_cpu right_image left_image max_disparity min_disparity penalty inhibit magnification scale
. The optimal solution is searched for within the maximum and minimum parallax ranges. Increasing the range takes more time and increases the chances of bad results. If you know the range of the object in the image, specify the maximum and minimum parallax as close as possible. If the inhibit value is large enough, it will not affect the result. The penalty value has a value that improves the result, but the value can only be determined by trial and error. The output parallax file will be pen_ & ltpenalty value & gt_inh_ & ltinhibit value & gt.png. Magnification is the process of enlarging the image by that magnification and processing the resulting sub-pixels. However, even if the magnification is 2, the graph size is 8 times, and since the information is not added when the image is enlarged, specifying a magnification exceeding 2 does not seem meaningful. In article 2, I pointed out that the resolution in the depth direction is halved if the number of gazes is the same as the number of pixels (when the magnification is 1). However, the resolution in the depth direction is the pixel-disparity only when this magnification is set to 2. Same as model. pen_14_inh_1023.png is created at a magnification of 1.

3D Stereo Vision Program

3d_stereo.cpp Is a program that displays the result of stereo vision processing by gaze_line-depth model in 3D.

make 3d_c
Then 3D display program is started. Accept single character key commands. A list of single character key commands is displayed with the? Key. The basic usage is that when the program starts up, execute a graph cut with "," and change the viewpoint with "h", "j", "k", "l", "f", "n". Please take a look. The end is "q". In figure mode, the left and right images of the stereo camera, the camera center, and the line of sight (not gaze_line) are displayed. The following is a list of single character key commands.
List of one character commands
etoggle figure mode
mleft picture
,stereo picture (do graph_cut)
.right picture
sdepth(disparity) to front
tdepth(disparity) to back
heye move left
jeye move down
keye move up
leye move right
feye move far
neye move near
!decrease base line
@increase base line
#decrease focal length
$ncrease focal length
%decrease pixel size
^increase pixel size
zdecrease penalty
xincrease penalty
Zdecrease inhibit
Xincrease inhibit

The program starts with

./3d_cpu right_image left_image max_disparity min_disparity penalty inhibit magnification
. The optimal solution is searched for within the maximum and minimum parallax ranges. Increasing the range takes more time and increases the chances of bad results. If you know the range of the object in the image, specify the maximum and minimum parallax as close as possible. If the inhibit value is large enough, it will not affect the result. The penalty value has a value that improves the result, but the value can only be determined by trial and error. The penalty value and the inhibit value can be changed with a single character key command during program operation. If you change the value and execute the graph cut with "," again, you can see different results. Magnification is the process of enlarging the image by that magnification and processing the resulting sub-pixels. It seems that the density of the display has increased considerably even if the magnification of 2 times is specified.

Background knowledge

Stereo matching is a technique that detects the difference between the corresponding points in the left and right images, that is, the parallax, and estimates the spatial arrangement of the target from this parallax. Estimating the spatial position from the parallax is only triangulation, so it has been considered that the essence of the problem is how to find the corresponding point. Therefore, the problem of estimating the spatial position from left and right stereo images is called stereo matching. Textbook chapters and item names are usually not stereo vision but stereo matching. After 2D (image) processing to find corresponding points from two images, 3D processing to determine the arrangement of the space is performed, that is, it has been treated as separate processing. The purpose of this HP is to rethink stereovision, which has been too constrained by the term stereo matching and the concept of parallax to try to find correspondence, but for the time being I will explain the way of thinking so far.

In order to find correspondences, similarity of feature quantities and feature correspondence detection of featured points (called feature points and corners), similarity of images in rectangular areas, etc. have been used. These were classified as

  • Feature-based stereo matching
  • Region-based stereo matching
  • Pixel-based stereo matching
. Pixel base has other meanings. However, recently, it seems that dense stereo (Dense Stereo), which tries to detect parallax for all pixels, has become commonplace, and the pixel base has become commonplace. So this classification is no longer used.

Dense stereo solves the problem of assigning parallax to every pixel in the right image. The reason for assigning parallax to the right image is that it is natural to set the right direction to be positive, so if the parallax is positive, the point on the space projected on a pixel in the right image is slightly Since it is projected onto the pixel, it is natural that the right image in the left image is called parallax, and "right parallax, that is, positive parallax is assigned to the pixel in the right image".

The problem of assigning parallax to all pixels in the right image is called the site labeling problem. The site is a matter of assigning some label to a place because of the place. In this case, pixels are places and parallax is labels. The number of allocations is a huge number of labels, \begin{align*} assign\_num=label\_num^{site\_num} .\end{align*} Of these, one assignment is selected. Usually, a function that gives a single numerical value for the assignment is defined, and the assignment that minimizes the numerical value is selected. I feel that it's OK to judge whether a single number is good or bad, but this is an analogy from physics, and a function that gives a single real value of energy (such a function is called a Hamiltonian) It mimics the formulation of knowing all the systems. Therefore, this single numerical value assigned to the assignment is called energy, the function that gives energy is called the energy function, and choosing the smallest one is called energy minimization. Allocation is sometimes referred to as placement, a term used to describe physical states.

The energy function of the site labeling problem is expressed as \begin{align*} E(f)=E_{data}(f)+E_{smooth}(f) \end{align*} with \(f\) assigned. For simplicity, the site will be described as pixels and the label as parallax. First, \(E_{data}(f)\) is a term that determines whether the parallax assignment is appropriate for each pixel from the image data. This term alone is sufficient for stereo images where the correspondence is clearly seen by looking at only the pixels, but since only pixels of the same brightness and color are actually used, the second term \(E_{smooth}(f)\) looks at the relationship between the pixels. will become necessary. How to do this second term is a very important issue and various things have been proposed. The first step is to start with two adjacent pixels. For example, the parallax will usually not change that much between adjacent pixels. In other words, the second term is about smoothness, so the name \(E_{smooth}\) is used.

The case where the relationship between two sites is a problem is called the first floor, and the case where the relationship between three or more sites is a problem is called a higher floor. It is a big problem how to make a function even on the first floor. In particular, parallax changes smoothly for the most part, but naturally changes greatly at the boundary of the object, so it has been considered a troublesome thing that should not be simply made smooth. Therefore, a function called truncated linear is often used, which increases the energy according to the change for a small change, but does not increase the energy beyond a certain level. Increasing the energy of a certain arrangement corresponds to making it difficult for such an arrangement to occur. On the other hand, the depth in the gaze_line-depth model does not change greatly at the boundary of the object as in the case of disparity, so a simple proportional function can be used. Actually, there is a prohibition condition, so the depth can only change by a maximum of 1 between neighbors. It can be a convex function with forbidden conditions.

Also, it is strongly dependent on the shape of the energy function whether it is easy to find an arrangement that minimizes energy. When the energy function on the first floor has a property called convex, the minimum arrangement can be obtained at once using graph cut. Because truncated linear is not convex, approximation algorithms such as alpha expansion and alpha-beta swap are used.

The first disparity_stereo.cpp introduced in this article uses the linear energy function to find the minimum arrangement of pixel-disparity model at once. This linear energy function is expressed as \(E_{smooth}(f)=penalty*|i-j|\) for a site pair. Here, \(i\) and \(j\) are disparity values of adjacent pixels.

The second depth_stereo.cpp and the third 3d_stereo.cpp use the convex energy function to find the minimum arrangement at a stretch using the gaze_line depth model. This convex energy function is expressed as \begin{align*} E_{smooth}(f)=penalty*|i-j|+inhibit*(|i-j|-1)*T(|i-j|>1) \end{align*} for the site pair. Where \(i\) and \(j\) are the depth values of adjacent gaze_lines. \(T(bool)\) is a delta function that is 1 when \(bool\) is true and 0 otherwise. As you can see from this equation, increasing the inhibit will change the depth value of the adjacent gaze_line by only 1 at maximum. This inhibit has realized the important property of the gaze_line-depth model pointed out in Article 2. This makes it possible to use a convex energy function that can be completely minimized by graph cut, without having to consider the troublesome parallax property of changing smoothly at the boundary of the object, although it changes smoothly at most. It became.